Welcome to the COSApproaching our 130th Year!Since it was established in 1893 -- 130 years ago -- the Chicago Ophthalmological Society has been dedicated to advancing educational opportunities for ophthalmologists in the Chicagoland area. Today, with nearly 300 members in private practice and academia, the COS is one of the oldest and most successful local eye societies nationally. Its members have included some of the most prominent ophthalmologists in the country. . The Mission of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society is: Items of InterestIllinois and Chicago "master calendar" -- The Chicago Ophthalmological Society and the Illinois Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons are working hard to provide information about conferences and other activities that will be of interest to the greater ophthalmic community in the area. You can access the master calendar online to view information about local, regional, national and international conference and events -- CLICK HERE Members & Educational Programs
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